
This site is subject to French and international legislation regarding copyright and intellectual property. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of this site on electronic or paper media (including downloadable documents) is strictly prohibited, without express authorization from the publication director.

Legal information

20 Allée Pierre-Jean Rozié
Tél. +33 (0)6 10 20 36 31

Director of publication
Alexandra MAZURIER
Micro-enterprise registered in the Trade and Companies Register under SIRET number  84311684900012


Emaz Conseil
21 rue Pablo Neruda
33370 Artigues-près-Bordeaux
Tel :

Content Management System

SAS immatriculée au RCS de Lille Métropole sous le numéro 424 761 419 00045
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59100 Roubaix

Use of personal data

Through its communication tools, “Ô Lac” processes personal data and is therefore subject to the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679, also known as GDPR, which entered into force on May 25, 2018. This regulation reinforces the obligations concerning the protection of data and the persons concerned, which were previously governed by law 78-17, known as “Informatique et Libertés”.

Data collected
By using this website and its functionalities, you may be required to provide us with the following data (only with your consent):
Last name ; First Name ; E-mail ; Phone number ; Address ; stay preferences ; newsletter Sign-Up.

The information collected is used solely for the purposes of communication, information or promotion of “Ô Lac” offers. They are also intended to manage your requests for information, subscription to newsletters or use of the interactive services of the website.

The information collected on the Internet user’s navigation and actions on the website is anonymous and aims to improve our services.

Your personal data will not be processed for purposes other than those set out above.

Under no circumstances will your personal data be processed for purposes other than those for which we have legal obligations, legitimate interests or for which you have given your consent.

Right of rectification or opposition
It is understood that you can object to this processing using the unsubscribe link on the newsletter or by contacting “Ô Lac” via the address, or by sending a letter to:
Ô Lac
20 Allée Pierre-Jean Rozié
33680 Lacanau

To find out more about exercising your rights, you can also consult the website of the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL).

Cookie management
When the user visits the site, it is important to note that a cookie may be automatically installed on their browser software. This cookie does not identify the user specifically, but it records information related to their navigation on the site. These cookies are used for the purpose of carrying out traffic analyses, audience measurements, and improving the quality of the site. The settings of the browser software will allow the user to be informed of the presence of the cookie and the possibility of refusing it if necessary.

A cookie is a small text file containing various information. It is saved in the memory of your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) by the server of the website you are visiting, or by a third-party server (such as a web analysis service, for example). This file allows, during its validity or registration period, to identify your device during your next visits to the site.

Third party companies may also, subject to your choices, place cookies on your computer (for example, Google Analytics, Facebook, etc.). Regardless of the type of cookies, only the issuer of the cookie is able to read or modify the information contained therein.

You can make a decision at any time whether to accept or refuse the installation of cookies on your device by adjusting your browser settings. Additionally, you can configure your browser to receive occasional requests to accept or reject cookies, allowing you to decide before a cookie is stored on your device.

Find more information on the use of cookies on the CNIL website.


For any questions relating to our Privacy Policy or for any request relating to your personal data, you can contact us:
By email to the following email address:
By mail to the following address: Ô Lac, 20 Allée Pierre-Jean Rozié, 33680 Lacanau.

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Number of accommodation:






Accommodation 1

Accommodation 2

Accommodation 3

Accommodation 4

Accommodation 5